3. Hydraulic Gradient visualised using Darcy Law#
3.1. How to use the tool?#
Go to the Collab / Live Code by clicking the rocket button (top-right of the page)
Execute the code cell
Change the values or add diffrent matterial and see how there is a change in Hydraulic Head as the Parameters L, K, d change, to simulate the calculation press the run interact.
For re-simulations - changes the input values in the boxes and click the “run interact” button.
This tool can also be downloaded and run locally. For that download the Darcy Gradient file from the book GitHub site, and execute the process in any editor (e.g., JUPYTER notebook, JUPYTER lab) that is able to read and execute this file-type.
The codes are licensed under CC by 4.0 (use anyways, but acknowledge the original work)s
3.1.1. Importing Libraries#
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
import numpy as np
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display
3.1.2. Calculating Functions#
def calculate_hydraulic_gradient(flow_rate, area, K):
Calculate the hydraulic gradient (i) based on the flow rate, cross-sectional area, and K value.
return flow_rate / (K * area)
3.1.3. Plotting Functions#
def normalized_plotter(x_points, y_values):
total = sum(y_values)
percentages = [value / total for value in y_values]
# Initialize the y-coordinates with the first value as 1
y_coords = [1]
# Calculate subsequent y-values as 1 - percentage
for percentage in percentages:
y_coords.append(y_coords[-1] - percentage)
return y_coords
def plot_pipe_system(lengths, elevation_changes, diameters, materials, material_properties):
Plot the connected pipe system with rectangles of different widths in 2D.
lengths (list of floats): Length of each section of the pipe (in meters).
elevation_changes (list of floats): Elevation change for each section of the pipe (in meters).
diameters (list of floats): Diameter of each section of the pipe (in meters).
materials (list of strings): Pipe material for each section (matching the keys in the material_properties dictionary).
material_properties (dict): Material properties dictionary with K values, colors, and hatch patterns for different pipe materials.
# Calculate the number of sections in the pipe system
num_sections = len(lengths)
section_end_points = [0]
# Initialize the plot with a default figure size
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
# Initialize variables for the connected pipe system
x_position = 0
y_position = 0
initial_head = 100 # Initial hydraulic head
# Plot each section of the pipe system with rectangles of different widths and custom colors
for i in range(num_sections):
# Get the material properties for the current section
material = materials[i]
K_value = material_properties[material]['K']
section_color = material_properties[material]['color']
section_hatch = material_properties[material]['hatch']
# Calculate the cross-sectional area of flow (A) in the pipe
area = (np.pi / 4) * diameters[i] ** 2
# Calculate the hydraulic gradient (i) using the equation Q = K * A * i
flow_rate = 0.01 # For demonstration purposes, using a fixed flow rate of 0.1 m^3/s
hydraulic_gradient = calculate_hydraulic_gradient(flow_rate, area, K_value)
# Calculate the change in hydraulic head (delta h) for the section
delta_h = hydraulic_gradient * lengths[i]
# Add the rectangle representing the section and fill it with the custom color and hatch pattern
rect = Rectangle((x_position, y_position), lengths[i], diameters[i], linewidth=1, edgecolor='black', facecolor=section_color, hatch=section_hatch)
# Add the label for the section with better offset for label positioning
label = f"Section {i+1}\nLength: {lengths[i]} m\nDiameter: {diameters[i]:.2f} m\nMaterial: {material} \nGradient: {hydraulic_gradient:.2f}\nDelta h: {delta_h:.2f}"
ax.annotate(label, xy=(x_position + lengths[i] / 2, -1),
xytext=(5, 5), textcoords="offset points", ha='left', va='bottom', fontsize=10, color='black')
# Update x and y positions for the next section
x_position += lengths[i]
y_position += elevation_changes[i]
### Call function to normalise Hydraulic Head and Grad
h_plot_cord = normalized_plotter(section_end_points,hyd_head)
rect_height = 1 # Add some buffer for better visualization
### Plottting assist variables
diameters2 = diameters + [diameters[-1]]
prev_x_start_inner = None
prev_y_start = None
for x_start, y_start in zip(section_end_points, h_plot_cord):
x_start_inner = x_start + (max(lengths) / 1000)
x_end = x_start + (max(lengths) / 100)
x_end_inner = x_start + (max(lengths) / 90)
# Create and add the rectangle patch
rect = Rectangle((x_start, y_position + min(diameters) / 2), x_end - x_start, rect_height,
linewidth=1, edgecolor='black', facecolor='none')
rect2 = Rectangle((x_start_inner, y_position+diameters2[i]), x_end_inner - x_start_inner,y_start-diameters2[i],
linewidth=1, edgecolor='blue', facecolor='blue')
if prev_x_start_inner is not None and prev_y_start is not None:
# Add a dotted line between the previous and current coordinates
plt.plot([prev_x_start_inner, x_start_inner], [prev_y_start, y_start], 'k:', linewidth=1)
prev_x_start_inner = x_start_inner
prev_y_start = y_start
# Set plot labels and title
plt.xlabel("Section Length (m)")
plt.ylabel("Section Elevation (m)")
plt.title("Hydraulic Gradient Visualised")
# Add an arrow indicating the direction of flow at the start of the system (pointing to the right)
ax.arrow(section_end_points[0]-min(lengths)/2, 0, min(lengths)/4, 0, head_width=0.1, head_length=min(lengths)/8, fc='black', ec='black')
label = "Q"
ax.annotate(label, xy=(section_end_points[0]-min(lengths)/4, 0.1), fontsize=15)
# Adjust the axis limits to zoom out the plot and provide some extra space
#plt.xlim(section_end_points[0]-50, x_position + 20) # Adding extra space of 20 units on each side of the x-axis
plt.ylim(-1, max(1, y_position) + 1) # Adjusting the y-axis limits to include all elevations
plt.tight_layout() # Improve layout to prevent overlapping labels
3.1.4. Data Entry Widgets#
Run the Cell below and change the values as you wish
To add more sections edit the num_sections variable down
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
# Initialize empty lists to store data
lengths = []
diameters = []
materials = []
def run_interact(num_sections):
global lengths, diameters, materials
lengths_sliders = [widgets.FloatText(value=10, description=f'Length {i+1} (m)') for i in range(num_sections)]
diameters_sliders = [widgets.FloatSlider(min=0.1, max=1.0, step=0.01, description=f'Diameter {i+1} (m)') for i in range(num_sections)]
materials_dropdowns = [widgets.Dropdown(options=['Gravel','Silt','Clay','Coarse sand','Medium sand', 'Fine sand'], description=f'Material {i+1}') for i in range(num_sections)]
def update_data(change):
global lengths, diameters, materials
lengths = [slider.value for slider in lengths_sliders]
diameters = [slider.value for slider in diameters_sliders]
materials = [dropdown.value for dropdown in materials_dropdowns]
for slider in lengths_sliders:
slider.observe(update_data, 'value')
for slider in diameters_sliders:
slider.observe(update_data, 'value')
for dropdown in materials_dropdowns:
dropdown.observe(update_data, 'value')
run_button = widgets.Button(description='Run Interact')
def on_run_button_clicked(b):
display(widgets.VBox(lengths_sliders + diameters_sliders + materials_dropdowns + [run_button]))
# Material properties dictionary with K values, colors, and hatch patterns for different pipe materials
material_properties = {
'Clay': { 'K': 10**(-9),'color': 'khaki', 'hatch': '////'},
'Silt': {'K': 10**(-6), 'color': 'lightsteelblue', 'hatch': '////'},
'Fine sand': { 'K': 10**(-6),'color': 'sandybrown', 'hatch': '...'},
'Medium sand': {'K': 10**(-5), 'color': 'tan', 'hatch': '.'},
'Coarse sand': { 'K': 10**(-4),'color': 'tan', 'hatch': '.*'},
'Gravel': { 'K': 10**(-2),'color': 'slategrey', 'hatch': '*'}
plot_pipe_system(lengths, elevation_changes, diameters, materials, material_properties)
display(widgets.VBox(lengths_sliders + diameters_sliders + materials_dropdowns + [run_button]))
style = {'description_width': 'initial'}
num_sections_slider = widgets.IntSlider(min=1, max=10, description='Number of Sections',style=style)
widgets.interact(run_interact, num_sections=num_sections_slider)
<function __main__.run_interact(num_sections)>