The Interactive
Groundwater-I Book#
The site provides an interactive JUPYTER-notebook based book with contents typical of an introductory groundwater course taught at higher UG level or the early PG level at universities.
The contents/structure provided here are mostly from those developed and lectured by Prof. Rudolf Liedl at TU Dresden.
The contents are geared towards learning through computing. The computing part is entirely based on Python
programming language. Previous programming/coding experiences are not required or expected. Coding is to be learned as a method of learning and is considered as a skill enhancing component rather than knowledge acquiring component, which is focussed towards Groundwater learning.
The contents of the book are divided into:
Lecture Parts
Tutorial Parts
Self-learning (simulation) tools
The lecture parts are combination of texts and simpler numerical examples. Only minimum Python
codes are available on this part.
The tutorial are mostly numerical examples. This aims at teaching also the basic of Python
coding. The focus remains on illustrating lecture contents. Self-learning tools are interactive tools that supports the lecture and tutorial components and enhances understanding. The codes of these tools may require higher knowledge of Python
programming and therefore they are not to be mastered as part of the course.
All codes and contents provided in this interactive book are licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0 Codes are available at this GitHUB repository
The development of the book is based on the wonderful works of the JUPYTER Book Team
Main contributors of this version of the book#
The contents are developed by (not in any order):
Dr.rer. nat. Prabhas K Yadav (TU Dresden)
Prof. Rudolf Liedl (TU Dresden)
Prof. Peter Dietrich (UFZ Leipzig/Uni-Tübingen)
Prof. B. R. Chahar (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi)
Prof Charles Werth (Uni-Texas Austin, US)
Dr. Ing. Thomas Reimann (TU Dresden)
M.Sc. Hanieh Mehrdad (Student Assistant/Numerical contents- TU Dresden)
Vibhu Batheja (Student Assistnant - TU Dresden)
and several students: Anton, Abhiral, Anne, Sophie, Alexander
This work is partly supported by: